a.k.a. Redemption City

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Unveiling of The New Church Website – WWW.GOLDMINISTRY.ORG

The Garden of Love and Deliverance Ministry ( The GOLD Ministry) is pleased to announce the unveiling of its newly-designed ministry website and all other online presence channels.

In pursuit of our divine vision, and in driving forward on our mission to reach the dying and suffering world with the passion and gospel of Jesus Christ, we have identified the strategic roles that global internet infrastructure and especially the new media play in today’s world evangelism and church outreach.

Thus, this new website marks a new milestone in our quest to save the world and provide people every where the benefit of partaking in the overflowing blessing, grace and power of God in this ministry.

As it is written, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.” Isiah 2: 2 (KJV)

We hope and trust God that this channel will help us to get our members from around the world to be connected as a church without borders, wherein everyone could be abreast of our programmes and services from day-to-day. From providing up-to-date information to live stream of services, and interactive online support, we hope you will have a new experience with us.

In the same vein, we would like to inform you that all our social media accounts have been revamped and synchronized to avoid phishing – and also ensure the Church is reachable 24hrs around the clock. Our official social media accounts are:

Facebook: @GOLDMOnline
Twitter: @GOLDMOnline
Instagram: @GOLDM.Online
YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMDd3O0v7VVSaOzjQTg0UkA

We enjoin you to connect with us today, and share this good news of great joy with your friends, loved ones and acquaintances. God bless you richly as you worship with us. 

Behold, God has not finished with YOU.

It’s not over, until YOU win. Your testimony is sure in Jesus Name, Amen!

prayer request and counselling testimony